With all the hygiene tips and information regarding preventive measures in baby bath care tips during the coronavirus outbreak it can get confusing on which to follow and how to do so effectively. You can get carried away doing one thing and forget about many of the others. That is why we have compiled a list of the things you need to make a part of your daily routine to ensure the safety of you and your kid during this COVID-19 pandemic. Do not miss any of these tips for parents and parenting so you can minimize the chance of infection from the novel coronavirus.

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Body Hygiene

The first thing to make a priority when it comes to parents and parenting during the pandemic is body hygiene. At this time you want to ensure your body and that of your child are at optimal hygiene. Follow the regular baby bath care tips, but do it more often. Make it a point of duty to bathe your kids every evening. You must also ensure to wash their hands first thing in the morning before they start with their daily activities. The more frequent they are cleaned the less the chances that they will contract the coronavirus. Knowing how to give your baby a sponge bath is also very useful.

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Cleaning Your Living Space

It isn’t unusual for someone to clean their home only once a week, especially with parents and parenting, where parents don’t have a lot of free time and the house is empty a large portion of the day. However, since everybody is at home now due to the pandemic, it has become a necessity that the home be cleaned more often. You need to clean and disinfect your living space first thing in the morning. It would be best to do so an hour before everybody has started with their daily activities. This includes the bedrooms and living room. The kitchen as well. Clean surfaces with disinfectants and mop the floor every day.

Bathroom Hygiene

Bathroom hygiene is an entirely different matter compared to environmental hygiene, and with the viral pandemic, it is even more important to make bathroom cleaning part of a routine. This means the chances of contracting the novel coronavirus in the bathroom is more than any other place. The bathroom needs to be washed daily, while the toilet bowl should be washed twice – one in the morning and again in the evening. Also ensure to have a hand sanitizer available in the bathroom, as well as soap and water to use. You should also know how to give your baby a sponge bath as this cleans them more thoroughly. Ensure to wash the sponge each time you use it.

Clothing Hygiene

Your clothes need to be washed more often than usual. If you used to wash clothing every 2-3 times after wearing, ensure to launder the clothes that have been worn in the morning to avoid piling up dirty laundry. If you happen to have the coronavirus and don’t know about it, being in optimal hygiene may reduce the risk of you transmitting the virus to your kid. For your kid’s clothing, ensure they are stored in a different closet from any other clothing. If there is an infected person in the house their clothing must be washed with hot water and air-dried, then stored far away from other people’s clothes – preferably in another room even.

Food Preparation Hygiene

When it comes to parents and parenting, make it part of your routine to wash dirty dishes in the evening before going to bed. This is a simple rule as food left out will attract bugs and vermin. When making food for the house, you want to ensure you practice optimal hygiene. First of all, an infected person must never cook meals. You want to wash your hands before and after every meal and make sure that the utensils used for preparing the meal are thoroughly cleaned. Always wash if you are preparing common kids foods such as cereal, hot dogs, or pasta and ensure to designate a bowl used by only your child. 

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 Parents And Parenting Evaluation 

You may follow all the preventive measures and have positive results, which is a good thing. But if you do not make it a routine to evaluate yourself and your baby’s health daily, you run the risk of discovering infection late. This means you may get the coronavirus without realizing it because you aren’t paying close attention. That is why it becomes important that you  examine yourself daily according to the CDC’s guide for things to look out for in a coronavirus positive person. If you notice any change in you or your baby do not hesitate to contact a medical professional for a closer exam of either of you.

Hygiene Rules

Another tip for parents and parenting that should be part of your daily routine. What are the things you need to practice abstaining from? They include touching your face and touching surfaces unnecessarily. By all means, do not touch your face. Make it a point to sit your kids down every day and revisit the hygiene rules you have set out. Remind them not to touch their face, how to properly disinfect, and the times they need to wash their hands. If your child is older than 7 you may not have to sit them down for long, but for younger kids you need to dedicate five minutes of your time for this. Monitor them and reward them for successfully abstaining. 

Cleaning Door Handles

Door handles are a special case when it comes to the coronavirus. As part of your daily cleaning routine, disinfect all door knobs. You should also do this throughout the day because your family is constantly touching them. When it comes to parents and parenting it is always difficult trying to keep up with all the things demanding your attention, but you need to pay special attention to cleaning door knobs. Most people clean their door handles as soon as someone comes in or goes out of the house. Door knobs pose the most threat of transferring infection compared to any other surface in the house.

If You Go Out

As much as you plan to stay indoors 24/7, some situations may take you out. Ensure to have your face mask ready for use as part of your routine. You can also check to know its whereabouts before going to bed in case you may need it for the next day. You should always maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other people. Also, ensure you book an appointment with your local doctor before you proceed to go to the hospital for a check-up. Good parents and parenting advice to keep in mind is that there is no need for two people to go to the store at once. 

Quelling Misinformation

When it comes to parents and parenting, you must know the coronavirus is as deadly as it is made out to be. There are both panic mongers, and those spreading misinformation. But you do not need to engage with panic mongers. If you have older kids you should create time every day to listen to their concerns. It may not be necessary to do this every day, but ensure to ask them every day. It is important that you know what information they may have absorbed from the internet and do your best to put their mind at ease. What you need to do is stay up to date with the latest information from reliable outlets such as WHO and CDC.

NEXT: 10 Essential Baby Items

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