Making baby item purchases before the arrival of the baby is an age-long tradition we follow, so much so that it has become nearly an unspoken rule. Knowing what baby items to purchase before the arrival of the baby is very important. Baby care tips for new  parents is mainly focused on parents expecting their first child. This is because (as the video outlines) you may not know of some of the challenges you’ll encounter until the baby comes. 

Instead of going through child care constantly looking for products that will take care of this and that need, here, some of the most important items have been listed for you. 

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Creative Items

Although all the items on the list have their use, you may consider some of the unessential. Some items on the baby care tips for new parents style=”font-weight: 400;”> may easily  fall here. Consider the white noise machine. A lot of parents may not know its use. It also isn’t explained in the video, but here is a quick summary: white noise helps babies sleep better, and longer. It creates a womb-like experience that babies enjoy. By drowning out background sounds, like noisy siblings, doorbells, alarm clocks and the rest, the baby can sleep peacefully.

NEXT: Baby Sleep Advice: How To Soothe A Crying Baby

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