Trying to understand why your baby hates bath time? If your baby doesn’t seem to be having a nice time when you bathe them, then this is for you. While some kids enjoy the water a lot, others don’t. But, it is not only the water that is the reason for your baby’s dislike of bathing. Here are some possible reasons why your baby hates bath time. Because when you don’t have an idea why they do it, it becomes impossible to find a solution for it. We’re sure that you want your baby to enjoy their bath time and have a nice time with you. That, and the bonding you too should be experiencing will not be possible if your baby hates bath time.

Related : 10 Ways To Make Bathing Time A Fun Time


If your baby is hungry then you can expect bouts of wailing and crying during the bath. Nobody likes being hungry. If you haven’t fed your baby well, then the baby hates bath time because they are hungry and they are expressing their displeasure at you not meeting their needs. When you make it a habit, then you can expect all your baby baths to end in tears. Nevertheless, you should not feed the baby and immediately before bathing them. It is important to feed them, then wait at least 30 to 45 minutes before bathing them. This is to allow the food to digest. You certainly don’t want them to lose their meal because of the jostling they receive while being washed.

Related : Bath Tips For Baby Skin Care

The Water Temperature

This is most likely the reason your baby hates bath time. New-borns are very sensitive to temperature changes. If the water is too cold or too hot it is very uncomfortable for them. Adults may experience a temperature change of 3-4 degrees and not feel uncomfortable. A baby starts feeling discomfort once the temperature change exceeds 1 degree. Use your elbow to check the temperature of the water instead of your palm. If you are using a thermometer it should be around 98 ℉.

Water Getting In The Eyes

Water flowing in the baby’s eyes could be the reason the baby hates bath time. It could be one of the reasons why your bundle of joy keeps crying during the bath. Babies don’t know how to close their eyes as a reflex for preventing things from getting in. Water constantly getting into their eyes can be irritating. If you bother them too much, they will tell you – by crying of course. Just a couple of occurrences can train your baby that the bath will hurt their eyes. Get a head visor or find another way to keep water out of their eyes. You could cover their eyes with your palm when you want to pour water on their heads.

Fear Of Soap

It is important to make use of the right soap for your little one. Soaps and shampoos can cause skin irritation and they are even worse when they contain ingredients your child is allergic to. There are certain ingredients you should avoid in baby products, such as alcohol, fragrances, parabens, and triclosan. Having a baby that is allergic or has extremely sensitive skin could find that the bath makes their skin tingle or itch, making it very unpleasant. This could be the reason the baby hates bath time. They remember what happened after the last bath and they are trying to tell you that it wasn’t a good thing. Also, ensure to use soaps specifically made for babies and avoid using adult products.


Rashes can be a big discomfort, even for adults. Water touching your baby’s rashes could be the reason the baby hates bath time. If your baby has rashes or sores, you should expect irritation when they come in contact with water and soap. These can escalate the burning and stinging sensation. If this is the case with your baby you should be expecting a verbal report of the situation. To avoid this hurtful sensation each time you bathe your little one do not apply excessive water on the affected area. Do not apply soap at all. You may opt for a top and tail until the rash subsides, before resuming a full bathing routine.

Related : Teaching Your Kid To Bath: Safety Tips

Not Used To Water

Babies are learning to explore everything around them. Your baby is not used to water since they have no experience with it. Though some babies like it, not all babies welcome the sensation so easily. The feeling of water might make your bundle of joy uncomfortable. This could be the reason the baby hates bath time. Many babies feel unsafe and insecure then placed in a bath and this is one reason they will cry. Being cold could be another reason, even while giving them a sponge bath. Make sure the room is warm when you bathe them.


Bathing is supposed to get your baby relaxed and comfy. It has the opposite effect when your kid is already very tired and sleepy. This usually happens when you try to bathe them just before their nap time and they are already sleepy. You can easily tell if the baby is tired by observing their droopy eyelids, or yawning mouths. It may sometimes be the way they’re silent. You should know when your baby is tired. This might be the reason the baby hates bath time. To avoid this, without disrupting your baby’s sleeping routine, bathe them a little in advance before their usual sleeping time. Whether it is an afternoon nap or nighttime sleep. Nothing should trump the comfort of your little bundle of joy.

Dislike Being Naked

Sometimes it’s not the bath they dislike, rather it’s the feeling of being naked because their skin has been so accustomed to being warm, and cozy. They’re used to being covered, from the womb to being swaddled with warm clothing. Being naked makes them feel very uncomfortable. Babies sometimes just go through a lot of irrational fears, and it may not always be that something is physically bothering them. Sometimes it is the novelty of the situation they dislike. When you take their clothes off and instead of putting on another one, you are putting them in water. This could be another reason the baby hates bath time.

Uncomfortable Bathing Area

Not a lot of things bother us as they bother these little ones. Things you may hardly even notice might be a big concern for your bundle of joy. Things like the temperature of your hand when you hold them, the room temperature, and dust in the room could be another reason the baby hates bath time. If there is something your baby is allergic to in the bathroom, they will tell you (by crying). These things can irritate the baby leading the baby to hate the bath. You should ensure the bathing area is both dust-free and warm. Also, check for any products your baby might be allergic to and put them away.

When All Fails

No mother likes seeing her baby cry during bath time. You may try many soothing approaches to try and relax your kid during the bath. Some of the above-mentioned tips are the most common to consider. But, sometimes there is nothing you can do about your baby not liking baths. In this case, you just have to wait it out. If your baby hates bath time and you’ve tried everything but they still cry during baths, then you have to just wait out the cries. They will usually stop after some time. But before you choose to simply wait, ensure you’ve checked in with all of the above.

Related : Teaching Your Kid To Take A Bath

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