When we are first-time parents, a lot of what we do if for the first time, especially if we don’t have any younger siblings. It can be frightening to do all these things for the first time. Our baby is so tiny and fragile, we feel that anything we do wrong will cause permanent harm. Don’t stress too much however, they’re sturdier than we think.

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Newborn Baby Health Care

When it comes to newborn baby health care it is important to keep the baby clean. But no matter how dirty the baby may get, remember, no immersing in a tub full of water until the umbilical cord has healed. In all honesty, a newborn can’t get all that dirty. But, just like everyone else, the baby’s skin is constantly renewing. Along with the bacteria that is always present, baby might start to smell a little funky after a few days.

At the hospital and for a couple of weeks at home, a sponge bath is all that is allowed. Keeping the baby warm is important so it is advisable to cover each part you’ve cleaned with a towel or blanket.

Watching how this nurse bathes a newborn prior to his parent’s taking him home will provide some guidance on how to get it done.

Related: Advice on Having a Baby Afraid of the Water: Learn from a mother who faced this situation

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