Are you hesitant to enroll your toddler in swimming lessons afraid that she might poop in the pool? Or are you shrugging off the idea of a summer vacation spent at the waterpark pool or beach because you’d be too embarrassed to find your toddler pooping in the water? And, you don’t want to destroy anyone else’s vacation just because of this mishap. Admittedly, it’s pretty gross.

Related: Advice On Having A Baby Swim In A Pool: 10 Tips You Need To Know

Don’t Let Unwanted Baby Advice Deter You

Fear not because there is a wonderful device called a swim diaper! This video will teach you how to use a swim diaper and explain why you need it. Allison has a background in aquatics and knows well what her daughter Cassidy needs to be a successful little swimmer. This video reviews the Nageuret swim diaper of Beau and Belle Littles.

Allison proves how safe it is to use in the pool and how reliable it is in keeping poop inside the diaper. She will explain how much of a good deal this swim diaper is, explaining the materials used to make this diaper reliable and comfortable at the same time. You can tell all those naysayers and their unwanted baby advice to go jump in a lake! She will also talk about the wide range of weight this swim diaper will fit so you won’t have to repurchase as your child grows. It is reusable and easy to wash. It’s eco-friendly too!

Next: All About Baby Swimming: What’s The Ideal Time to Teach Swimming to Babies

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