Giving your baby a bath is something that needs to be done right. But, babies are fragile and you need to pay more attention to their baths than you would with an adult’s. Knowing how to give your baby a bath is something all parents should be skilled at. You want to ensure that you get your bundle of joy a squeaky clean so that they can feel comfortable all day long. A proper bath is always preferable to other methods of cleaning such as a sponge bath, and topping and tailing. Although these two also get your baby as clean, nothing quite does it like a good tub bath.

Related : Bath Tips For Baby Skin Care

What You Need

Want to know about how to give your baby a bath? How do you start? Before you start the bath you should have everything you will need. A bathtub with the bathing water in it. Clean washcloths, soap for lather, and a rinsing cup. Everything should be within your arm’s reach. The towel should also be there so you can wrap the baby with it immediately after you finish bathing them. If your baby has hair then you should also have a shampoo available. You should shampoo baby’s hair sparingly though. In the case where you forgot something, go with your baby to get it. Do not leave your baby alone during a bath, not even for a second.

Related : 10 Ways To Make Bathing Time A Fun Time

Set The Water

The temperature of the water should be appropriate for a baby. You will only need a fairly small amount of water. Generally, 2-3 inches is enough for a baby bath. The water should be between 98 – 100 F. you can check the temperature using a baby thermometer. When starting with how to give your baby a bath, place the baby in the water with one hand behind their head at all times. If possible, use a tub meant for baby bathing as it will supply a slanted surface that will keep the baby comfortable and support their head. This way, both hands are free for washing and rinsing.

How To Give Your Baby A Bath: Wash The Eyes First

Start by washing your baby’s eyes. Dip a ball of cotton in plain, clean water, squeeze out any excess water, then wipe your baby’s eyes. Use a clean cotton ball for each eye. When you clean the eyes, wipe slightly downward and away from the nose, sweeping any dirt or bacteria to the outside. Being gentle and cautious, this is how to give your baby a bath without getting their eyes infected. This is the first step. Be sure to do this with only clean water, not water from the tub as it could contain viruses and bacteria that could infect your baby’s eyes. You could use a washcloth, but a ball of cotton gives you more control.

How To Give Your Baby A Bath: Cleaning The Face

Wet a washcloth and wipe your baby’s face. Clean the face, ears and skin folds around the neck. Ensure no water gets into the baby’s ear canal. Also, do not put anything (cotton ball, or washcloths) at all into the baby’s ear. All you should do is wipe over gently. A clean washcloth would do properly for this. The washcloth should be soaked well. Do not allow lather to get into the baby’s eyes or ears. Pay extra attention to the skin folds around the neck as this area tends to accumulate milk and saliva that can harbor bacteria. Rinse immediately after you finish washing the face.

The Hair

Not every baby requires the use of shampoo for washing their hair. But, if your baby has a lot of hair, or their scalp is dry and flakey, then you should consider using a mild shampoo. This is how to give your baby a bath and also care for their hair. Use a cup to scoop water and gently pour it over the baby’s head. Protect the baby’s eyes by using your hands. Alternatively, you can use your hand to scoop water. Add a little amount of baby shampoo and rub in a circular motion and then rinse. To help remove any flaky skin, use a baby comb to loosen the skin and then rinse it out along with the shampoo.

How To Give Your Baby A Bath And Care For The Umbilical Stump

If your baby’s umbilical stump has not fallen off, do not give them a full bath. Learn first to give them a sponge bath. It is important to ensure that it is dry and clean at all times. Pediatricians recommend that they are given only a sponge bath. The umbilical stump must always be kept dry, as the opening could be a medium for infection. If it appears to have some sort of soil around it, use only plain water and wipe gently with a cotton ball or washcloth. This is how to give your baby a bath without getting infections in it.

The Trunk, Legs, and Arms

You should use little soap in the whole process. You must learn how to give your baby a bath using soap only for the lower parts starting from around the neck, trunk region, and then to the legs. Use a mild soap. Using a washcloth, gently wipe from the front to the back. Then rinse. Ensure to lift the arms gently and wash the armpits and other tricky areas. Then wash the legs and under the feet. Raise one leg and wash it using a washcloth and lather. When you finish washing the first leg, raise the other one and wash it as well.

Related : Teaching Your Kid To Bath: Safety Tips

Cleaning the Genitals


It doesn’t matter whether you have a boy or a girl. Cleaning the baby’s genitals during the bath is much the same as cleaning them after a bowel movement. Experts recommend when learning how to give your baby a bath that you use cotton balls for this delicate area as they provide more control. Be gentle, but thorough, in cleaning all the nooks and crannies where bacteria could be hiding. If you have a baby girl, be sure to gently clean the labia for any powder or other residues. The same goes for a baby boy, whether circumcised or not. If your son is not circumcised, do not pull on the foreskin. Clean only the outside and then the scrotum.

Your Baby’s Skin

Most babies have soft skin, but there are others whose skin is a bit more sensitive and may be susceptible to allergies and rashes. Having moisturized skin can help fight allergens. Bathing every day can dry the skin of these sensitive skinned babies. If your baby has dry skin, then this is how to give your baby a bath without drying it out even more. After the bath, rub a gentle moisturizer on it after you give your baby a bath. Otherwise, avoid unnecessary moisturizing. You should also be careful when selecting baby products. Bathing your kid every day isn’t recommended.

Dry and Dress Baby



Learning how to give your baby a bath is one of the best ways to ensure they stay healthy. Now that you have washed your baby, you may want to do one final, quick rinse with clean, warm water. After that, grab that nearby towel and wrap them head to toe in that soft goodness and gently pat them dry, taking them to where you will dress them. Hooded towels for babies are also a great tool for this. Now is the time to apply lotion or powder if you intend to. Keep the baby covered to avoid a chill, only exposing the portion you intend to put lotion on.

Diaper and Dress

You should have a clean diaper ready to go within reach and apply powder or diaper rash protectant. For boys with a circumcision, place a small amount of petroleum jelly or rash protectant to keep it from sticking to the diaper. If using powder place it first in your hand. Do not let the baby inhale the powder. Put on a clean diaper (never reuse one that has already been worn) and get the baby dressed. That wasn’t too hard now, was it? It isn’t hard, the main thing is making sure the baby is kept safe and comfortable. You have learned how to give your baby a bath and passed with flying colors. You now have a clean, happy baby. Congratulate yourselves!

Related : Teaching Your Kid To Take A Bath

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