You can give your baby a bath at any time of the day. But, there are preferable conditions for baby bath times. There are a few things to consider when choosing the best time to give a baby a bath. Sometimes the weather is not good, and although it may never be perfect, you can definitely work with improved conditions. If the weather is too cold, giving your baby a bath might need to be put on hold until you can find a way around the situation.

Below are tips to consider when looking to build a routine (or maybe you just want to know) the best time to give baby a bath.

Related: Teaching Your Kid To Take A Bath

Night Or Morning

best time to give baby a bath

  • Which is the best time to give baby a bath? The choice of whether to bathe your baby in the morning or the night depends on you as a parent. Some parents prefer to bathe their babies in the morning. When you bathe your baby in the morning they are usually alert, and if you’re not rushing to work, you could take your time and enjoy the morning ritual. Other parents prefer bathing their babies at night.
  • This works as part of a relaxing nighttime routine which can help the baby sleep well. You choosing to bathe your baby at night or in the morning depends on what your intentions and preferences are. Work with a time that fulfills what you want for your baby.

Related: Teaching Your Kid To Bath: Safety Tips

Benefits Of Morning Baths

baby bath times

  • Bathing your baby in the morning has many benefits for both the baby and the parent. This time works well because when the baby is bathed in the morning it allows her to get warmer as the day progresses. Babies aren’t able to regulate their body temperature well. If your baby feels cold, she will not enjoy her bath.
  • Traditionally, babies were bathed before sunrise. But before the bath, make sure the baby is well-fed. This allows her to enjoy her bath. If she hasn’t been fed well, she might cry through the bath because she is hungry. For some parents, this is the best time to give the baby a bath.

Benefits Of Night Baths

baby bath times

  • There could be several reasons why bathing your baby at night would work better for you as a parent. You may not have the time for a morning bathing routine. If this is the case for you then opting for a night bath would be more preferable. A warm bath is a good way of calming your baby for a good night’s sleep. You can follow the bath with feeding.
  • For many parents, the evening is the best time to give the baby a bath. The warmth of the bath, a full belly, and closeness to you can create a soothing atmosphere for her to drift off to sleep. In this way, a bath at night helps to put your baby to sleep.

Do Not Bathe The Baby Twice

best time to give baby a bath

  • Both the morning and nighttime routines have their benefits. The best time to give a baby a bath is not carved in stone. One helps you connect during daytime play, the other helps your baby get relaxed for bed.
  • You may want to enjoy the benefits of both (especially if you feel you have time on your side). However, do not do both. Do not bathe your baby twice a day. You also shouldn’t bathe your baby every day.
  • Newborns don’t need a daily bath. Just keep their nappy area, face, and neck clean. Some days you can opt for a sponge bath (either in the morning or at night). You may also opt for a top and tail.

Making Changes

best time to give baby a bath

  • There’s nothing wrong with bathing your baby in the morning, it has immense benefits on its own. However, you should consider making favorable changes as your baby grows. Since you shouldn’t bathe her twice a day (which is too much) you may choose to bathe her at night for a few reasons.
  • Once the baby starts eating solid food and crawling, it becomes preferable for her to be bathed at night so she goes to bed clean. You wouldn’t want to put her to sleep with the days crawling souvenirs or food remnants on her body. So, for older kids, nighttime is usually the best time to give a baby a bath.

 Related: Bath Tips For Baby Skin Care

Feeding And Sleeping 

best time to bathe newborn

  • Babies may have their unconscious routine for feeding and sleeping. This innate characteristic can be observed by the mother. When you get familiar with your baby’s sleeping and feeding pattern you can plan baby bath times around that. For instance, if your baby tends to feed around 1 pm every day and then go to sleep, you can bathe her 30 minutes before that time. Babies love repetition.
  • When you stick to this they will learn to know what comes after and look forward to it. You discover that afternoon time could also be the best time to give baby a bath and it could free up some afternoon time for you.


best time to bathe newborn

  • Once your baby starts attending a nursery or daycare you may find that bathing them in the morning would be preferable against nighttime. This gets them freshened up and ready for the day. It has a profound effect on the way her day starts, especially when the baby is going to be seeing new faces.
  • However, there’s still the issue of going to bed clean once the baby starts crawling. You can handle this with a top and tail in the evenings before putting the baby to bed.
  • Do not use soap when topping and tailing. So, again, in this situation, morning time would be the best time to give baby a bath.

Planning Around Your Daily Activities

best time to bathe newborn

  • Sometimes it is less about the baby bath times and more about you. Some parents find that they are more relaxed in the evenings. This has nothing to do with their baby’s mood or the benefits that bathing at a certain time would bring.
  • Some, however, are happiest in the morning (morning people). These different types of people have different energy levels at different times of the day. The time you are at your best would be the best time to give the baby a bath.
  • Energy and emotional auras can be contagious. Make use of this positive energy in planning a bathing routine for your baby that both of you can enjoy.

The Season 

best time to bathe newborn

  • Another factor to consider when choosing baby bath times is the season. During the cold season, it might not be a very good idea to give your baby early morning baths. It would be preferable to opt for a nice comfy bath time when the sun rises and the weather is a bit warmer.
  • However, if you have room heaters then this would not be a problem at all. But, if you don’t, then exposing your baby to the cold would not be a good idea. This means during the cold season, the best time to give baby a bath would be the warmest time of the day.

Try Different Times

bathing a baby

  • Regardless of what time you prefer, your baby might enjoy baths at a completely different time. You would enjoy it more if you bathe your little one during the time of the day when she’s most comfortable.
  • The only way to find out is to try a few baby bath times. Remember no one bath time suits all. You may also discover that you enjoy bathing your baby at a completely different time regardless of the benefits morning and night baths have.
  • Before you choose a time to stick to, try 3- 4 different times of the day and see what works best. The best time to give baby a bath will mostly depend on you.

Related: 10 Ways To Make Bathing Time A Fun Time

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