Giving your baby a bath is one thing, but you shouldn’t forget the things you should do immediately after you give them a bath. They are just as important as the actual bathing itself. Washing and rinsing your baby isn’t all there is to do. You could leave some things for later, but you shouldn’t leave these. They need to be done immediately and preferably in order. It is important to observe the order, as some need to be done before the others. Also, number 10 is not really a must, but just a tip. Here are the 10 things you should do immediately after you bathe your baby.

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Don’t Leave The Baby In The Tub

It is very important that you take your baby out of the water once you’re done bathing them. The water that was clean before the bath would have become uninhabitable for your child after you’ve washed them in it. If your child poops in the bathtub you should take them out immediately, and thoroughly clean the bathtub before finishing their bath. If you want to let them play, put them in some clean water, and stay there with them. Never leave them alone in the tub. Still, you shouldn’t let them stay longer than a few minutes. Two to three minutes is enough.

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Towel Dry The Baby

Don’t leave your baby to dry on their own. You should use a towel to dry them. They could get cold if you leave them to air dry. You also need to be careful not to rub the towel on their skin when drying them. Instead, you should pat them dry with it. Ideally, everything you need should be within reach. But, in case you need to go get something, you should consider getting your child hooded towels. They can be pretty comfy and the child won’t easily remove them from his/her body. But you should never leave your child alone in the tub. If you forgot the towel, take your wet baby with you to get one.


Moisturize your baby’s skin with good baby lotion or baby oil. Do this after you’ve patted them dry with the towel. Do not leave the skin to dry out before applying the lotion. The lotion might not spread very well if you leave the skin to dry before application. You also want to avoid being too rough when applying baby oil. A gentle rub is all it takes, so it helps when the skin is a bit moist from the bath. Try and stick with one product that works. Also, ensure to check for allergies when using a product. Your baby’s skin is quite fragile.

Comb Their Hair While It’s Still Wet

Combing your baby’s hair while it’s still wet makes it easier. Though a baby’s hair is usually smooth on its own, combing when its wet makes it easier to untie any tangles. Your baby could feel a lot of pain if you pull on a tangle while combing their hair. There’s no way to ensure you won’t do that. The hair is too smooth for you to see, so combing it while wet reduces the chances that they will feel any pain. Alternatively, you could apply some hair lotion as you don’t have to wash the hair every day. The hair lotion also works better when the hair is still moist.

Powder First

You should use powder before putting on a diaper for your little angel. Place the powder in your hand first and then apply it to your child. You want to avoid having your baby breath in the powder. Too much friction around the bottom area tends to cause a rash and could give your child bumps on the bum. The powder is used to prevent such rashes around the bum and genitals. Also, take note of the powder you make use of (to check for allergies). Checking for allergies is very important. Children tend to react to certain products. Their skin is quite fragile and can develop an allergic reaction fast. Try and stick with one product that works.

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Diaper Next

Put on a diaper for your baby after you’ve applied powder. You should try and stick with one product. Once you find a diaper product that works well for your child, stick with it. There’s no need to get creative with diapers. Though you don’t have to have your baby wear a diaper all the time (you may want to let them get a bit of fresh air sometimes) you should definitely have your baby wear a diaper after a bath. You don’t want them to soil themselves after you’ve just given them a squeaky clean. Also, change their diapers every 2-3 hours.

Wear Something On The Baby

Dress your baby immediately after the bath. Don’t leave them without clothes on, they could catch a cold. Your baby should be fully dressed at least 10 minutes after you bath them. Don’t just wash them and leave them there. If you don’t want to dress them immediately, then cover him/her with a hooded towel. Just make sure you didn’t use the hooded towel to dry them, else they might still be cold from the wetness of the towel. This should also be for a short time. Don’t make it a habit to leave your baby in damp hoodies after a bath. Dress them.

Don’t Reuse Dirty Washcloths

The washcloths you use for your baby’s bath should not be left unattended. If this is the third time you are using this particular washcloth, then you should launder it as soon as you dress your baby. However, you need to rinse and dry washcloths after each bath. Alternatively, you could use different towels each time. By taking a clean towel for the next bath, you avoid having to immediately wash the one you just used. Washcloths don’t have to be laundered right away, but it is best to use a clean washcloth and towel each time you bathe the baby.

Organize The Things You Used

You need to keep a clean bathroom. Once you’ve dressed your baby and taken care of the wet washcloths and towels, you should clean all the equipment you used to bath the baby. You shouldn’t leave it till you’re about to give your baby another bath. Don’t leave it for later. You need to do it immediately. Cleanliness is paramount if you want to avoid infections. You should also note that babies get infected easily. You don’t want to expose your baby to any unnecessary health problems. That is why it is advisable that you keep things neat and organized, especially in the bathroom.

Good Time For A Nap

After you give your baby a bath is a very good time for a nap. You shouldn’t bath your baby immediately after a meal. But if they’ve been fed, then you should consider trying to get them to sleep after a warm bath. The baby would be refreshed and relaxed. Take this opportunity to have them get some shut-eye. You should also know that your baby might feel sleepy immediately after taking a meal, and a bath might actually make them alert. This means you may have to put some extra effort to get them to sleep.

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