Parenting during coronavirus has made online purchases a necessity. For parents who may not be used to this, it is a whole new experience that comes with its potential problems. There are a lot of unsafe websites out there that claim to be vendors of products of all kinds. For the parent or mom who is just looking to order a few baby items, we know it isn’t all that easy being able to distinguish which websites are safe and which aren’t, all on your own. This video shows a few ways you can validate the safety levels of a website.

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Using An Antivirus

Using an antivirus program greatly helps with spotting potentially harmful websites. The antivirus, as shown in the video (you can choose whichever antivirus you want, there are numerous websites that offer recommendations of good antivirus software) will indicate potentially harmful websites as well as secure ones. Another good point to keep in mind is to always use PayPal to make your online transactions, whenever possible. The hardship faced by many while parenting during coronavirus has given us here the incentive to advise you to always be extra cautious when making online purchases. We recommend making all your purchases from popular and reliable websites such as Amazon, E-Bay, and Walmart or those already known to you to be reliable and honest.

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