An Epsom salt bath for kids is full of benefits and one of the best ways to give your children a regular dose of magnesium. 

If you didn’t know, parents all over the world give their kids Epsom salt baths. There are numerous reasons why an Epsom salt bath for kids is so popular. 

It’s especially beneficial when you’ve got more than one tot. One kid gets sick and, before you know it, your home turns into the ICU with everyone sick (parents included). 

An Epsom salt bath for kids, or even just for yourself, is an amazing way to relieve symptoms of colds, and all that stress the bug brings with it. 

Not only this, an Epsom salt bath can do much more for you. We’ll cover all the benefits, precautions, and how to prepare an Epsom salt bath for kids right here in this post.

What is Epsom Salt?


Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is a water-soluble chemical compound with highly specific medicinal and therapeutic uses in medicine. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries all around the world. 

Epsom salt is full of numerous detoxifying components, including magnesium, which are known to have many medicinal benefits. Over 300 enzymes benefit from manganese to help function properly, making Epsom salt beneficial for everyone and everything.

Is Epsom Salt The Same As Table Salt?

Although they may look the same, Epsom salt and table salt are far from different. Table salt is sodium sulfate, while Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. The magnesium in Epsom salt makes all the difference, and is the key to its successful benefits.

Is an Epsom Salt Bath for Kids Safe?

When prepared correctly, an Epsom salt bath is very safe for kids. However, like any other substance, if you overuse it, Epsom salt can have some side effects. That’s why it’s important to speak with a pharmacist or practitioner before trying an Epsom salt bath for kids.

A physician or pharmacist can let you know how much Epsom salt is needed for whatever you wish to use it for, your child’s age, and your child’s health. They can also suggest trusted brands of pure Epsom salt that are likely safer for babies and kids.

How Does an Epsom Salt Bath for Kids Work?

When Epsom salt dissolves in water, it releases magnesium and sulfate ions. When you bathe in Epsom salt, the skin absorbs magnesium and sulfate ions. This absorption is believed to highly benefit the body.

Although there aren’t many studies that prove this, anecdotal evidence suggests that Epsom salt offers some benefits when used correctly.

Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths for Kids and Babies 

Before you prepare that Epsom salt bath for your kids, consider all the benefits and how much your kids will get from it.

Here are some key benefits of Epsom salt baths for kids and babies:

Reduces Inflammation

The magnesium in Epsom salt is well known for its highly potent anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help to reduce swelling and can even relieve aches, cramps and pains.

Improves Blood Circulation

Most enzymes that help in circulation rely heavily on magnesium. Epsom salt contains an abundance of magnesium, which makes it such a great mineral for improving overall blood circulation.

Builds Healthy Joints

The sulfates in Epsom salt help build and strengthen joints. This is great for young kids and babies, as well as adults suffering from joint strains and pains. It’s even highly beneficial for the elderly.

Exfoliates Skin

The sulfate in Epsom salt works hard to remove dead skin. It also repairs damaged skin cells and encourages the growth of new, healthy skin cells.

Improves Focus And Brain Activity

Epsom salt Bath for kids will also help them be more alert and focus more. A proper level of magnesium will regulate brain function.

Some experts even believe that children with ADHD may have a mild magnesium deficiency. In one preliminary study of 75 magnesium-deficient children with ADHD, those who received magnesium supplements showed an improvement in behavior compared to those who did not receive the supplements.

Helps Oxygen Flow

Magnesium has potent oxygenation properties that are great for your baby’s respiratory tract. This is something that can help your child breathe better when they have a cold or the flu.

Improves Sunscreen Effectiveness

Epsom salt adds a layer of protection against the dangerous UV rays that harm our skin. If you apply sunscreen after an Epsom salt bath for your kids, you’ll get much more skin protection from the sun.

Promotes Better Sleep


Another great Epsom salt health benefit is that It helps kids relax and sleep better during a nap or throughout the night. Magnesium not only strengthens the immune system but also has calming effects. 

Magnesium in Epsom salt is believed to stimulate the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. However, these effects are not clinically proven in children or adults.

Repairs Muscles

Epsom salt baths are regularly used to help athletes recover when they have damaged muscles. The same effect can work for your kid’s growing muscles. 

Regulates Digestion

A nice warm Epsom salt bath is known to help calm the body down, this includes your digestive system. This not only works for adults, but for kids as well. 

Alleviates Constipation

Many doctors recommend that you draw an Epsom salt bath for kids with constipation. Epsom salt is a natural external laxative that can help with digestion and get things moving along.

Helps With Autism

Magnesium works well for nerve impulse regeneration and management. Combine that with sulfates and it corrects calcium deficiencies, improves serotonin levels, and helps form healthy cells and chromosomes. 

Doctors, alike, agree that because of these benefits, Epsom salt bath for kids with autism can be used as a management tool.

Treats Eczema 

Medical physicians consider drawing an Epsom salt bath for kids with eczema due to the fact that magnesium helps reduce inflammation, relieves itchiness and repairs skin cells.

Relieves Psoriasis 

If your child is suffering from psoriasis, the magnesium properties in Epsom salt hydrate and exfoliate the skin. This makes it perfect for anyone who has psoriasis or any other similar skin condition.

Gets Rid Of Toxins

Detox baths will clean the body and get rid of toxins you are exposed to every day. This process promotes a stronger immune system. 

Relieves Irritability and Stress

Magnesium regulates the nervous system and may help prevent, or relieve stress, anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, and irritability. When your child is feeling a bit irritated, an Epsom salt bath is the perfect remedy.


Magnesium also works for anxiety in adults. It’s been shown that many adults are deficient in magnesium which has serious negative effects on our bodies. 

How To Prepare an Epsom Salt Bath for Kids?

You can make an Epsom salt bath for kids by dissolving Epsom salt in warm water. The amount of Epsom salt depends on the purpose of the bath and other factors, such as the child’s weight.

Usually, two cups of Epsom salt dissolved in a standard-size bathtub is recommended for a child.


What You’ll Need

You will need warm water in a basin or bathtub and pure Epsom salt. You can add baking soda to the bath if you’d like. Baking soda helps with colds and the flu.


  1. Add 1 to 2 cups of your Epsom salt to the warm water and let it dissolve. If it feels a little soapy, it’s perfect. If you decide to include baking soda, add ¼ cup to the mixture.
  2. Let your child soak for about 10 to 20 minutes.
  3. Don’t rinse your child with fresh water after the Epsom salt bath.
  4. Pull your child out of the water and pat her dry. Do not rub with a towel.
  5. For eczema, apply lotion, or any other moisturizer, immediately after the bath.

You can always consult your doctor or pharmacist for the exact amount needed for your child, and if it’s considered safe for your child’s condition. 

Precautions To Take When Drawing an Epsom Salt Bath for Kids

Although Epsom salt baths are likely safe for kids, following some precautions can ensure your child’s safety. Here are some precautions you should consider when bathing your child with Epsom salt. 

  • Always purchase 100% pure Epsom salt from a trusted brand. Using impure, or non-trusted Epsom salt products can increase the risk of allergies and intoxication.
  • Read the ingredients and product label carefully so that you know if there are any additives, such as artificial color and fragrance, which can irritate your child or baby’s sensitive skin.
  • Follow your doctor’s advice on the recommended amount of salt to water ratio. The ratio may differ according to what you use it for, such as your child’s age, and health conditions.
  • Be sure that the salt has fully dissolved in water before soaking your child in the bath.

Other Epsom Salt Bath Safety Tips

  • Never leave your child alone, unattended while soaking in Epsom salt baths. Your child could swallow the bath water and suffer adverse effects.
  • Soaking in Epsom salt water for at least 10 to 20 minutes is advised to reap Epsom salt’s benefits for children.
  • Monitor your child’s temperature when you soak them in Epsom salt bath. If the child seems uneasy or uncomfortable, remove them from the bathtub right away.
  • Pay attention to the signs of Epsom salt allergies or magnesium or sulfate sensitivity. Some of the most common signs of Epsom salt allergy are skin irritation, extreme itching, and contact dermatitis. To know if your child is allergic to Epsom salt, do a rub test before placing them into the bath.
  • You can do a rub test by rubbing a few drops of Epsom salt solution on the back of your child’s hand. Wait a few minutes, and If you notice a reaction, do not use Epsom salt on your child. 
  • Do not give your child an Epsom salt bath too frequently. Too much Epsom salt can dry the child’s skin and cause overdose symptoms, such as flushing, nausea, headache, slow heart rate, and extreme drowsiness. 
  • Never ingest Epsom salt for oral use to treat health problems, such as constipation, in children. Although Epsom salt acts as a laxative, this only works externally.
  • Store Epsom salt at room temperature, away from heat and moisture, to keep it fresh. Keep it out of the reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.

An Epsom salt bath for kids is very safe and extremely beneficial when used as directed, or with a physician’s advice. If your child has a medical condition or is susceptible to allergies, consult a doctor before using Epsom salt in any way.


As you can see an Epsom salt bath for kids has so many benefits when done correctly. If you follow the guidelines and safety measures above, you’ll get the most out of an epsom salt bath for both you and your kids. 

Hopefully, your kids enjoy the Epsom salt bath as much as my kids do. But, in case they don’t, try making it fun for them by letting them watch the salt dissolve. That always does the trick!

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