Wondering if you’re able to take a hot bath to induce labor? Well, you aren’t alone. It’s tough being pregnant for 9 months, and when it’s past your due date, how can you wait any longer??

I know the feeling — I gave birth to my first child a week after he was due! And we all know, when you’re in your third trimester of pregnancy, another week is a lifetime, and a painful one at that. 

So, if you’re past your due date and you can’t wait any longer to meet your new bundle of joy, you’re probably wondering how to induce labor and get him out already! Well, a hot bath may be all you need. And we’ll discuss further about everything you need to know on taking a hot bath to induce labor. 

Can I Take a Hot Bath to Induce Labor? 

Yes, a hot bath can help to induce labor, however you need to make sure the water isn’t too hot, as this can cause distress to your body and unborn baby. 

As long as the water isn’t too hot, you can take a hot bath to induce labor. Below are some reasons why taking a hot bath can be an excellent way to get labor started. 

Stress Relieving

I don’t know about you, but when I’m pregnant, I have stress all the way up to the hair on my head. It’s very common to feel stressed while pregnant as you get ready for a new baby. But this stress is something that can prevent labor from kicking into action. 

Stress causes your body to feel unsafe, and, when it comes to starting labor, your body needs to feel relaxed and secure. When you feel stressed, your body goes into defense mode and prevents labor by holding in contractions. 

That’s why you need to stay relaxed so your body and mind can feel secure. This way your body will feel safe enough to produce contractions and induce labor.

And this is exactly what taking a hot bath can do to help induce labor. A hot bath is soothing and relaxes your body so you can feel less stressed. It also helps to add flower petals and other soothing fragrances to calm your mood even more.



So we know that a hot bath can help you feel relaxed by reducing stress, but how exactly? Taking a warm bath stimulates the production of oxytocin (the feel good hormone). 

Oxytocin is also what puts your body into labor. This is the hormone that promotes contractions and makes them stronger once they begin. It can also be given to you in drug form while in labor to help speed up the birthing process. 

So, thinking about it, if a warm bath can increase the levels of oxytocin in your body then it might be the perfect way to induce labor. Just be sure that you’re perfectly relaxed while bathing. 

Can Ripen the Cervix 

Did you know that a hot bath can possibly ripen your cervix? It’s not guaranteed, but it sure doesn’t hurt to try. 

Cervical ripening is when the cervix becomes softer. This usually happens before contractions start and is a sure sign that labor is starting. The cervix continues to get softer until it begins to dilate. This is when the cervix opens meaning your baby is almost ready to come out. 

When you take a hot bath to induce labor, there’s a chance that it can ripen your cervix if your baby’s ready to come out. And, even if taking a warm bath doesn’t help with softening your cervix, it’s still relaxing and something to ease your aching body for a short while.

You can also try an Epsom salt bath to soften the cervix, just be sure to consult your doctor before doing so, to clear any precautions. 

Is Taking a Hot Bath to Induce Labor Safe?

Taking a hot bath to induce labor is perfectly safe as long as the temperature of the water isn’t too hot. The temperature of the water should not exceed 101 degrees Fahrenheit

The water should be warm enough to soothe your body, but not hot enough to make you feel uncomfortable. A good way to test the water is by using a water thermometer. That way you’ll know the water is just right before getting in. 

It’s always best to be on the safe side while pregnant, so be sure to consult your doctor if you aren’t sure about something. 

You should also avoid using a hot tub or jacuzzi, as there is an increased risk of your baby developing birth defects from them. There isn’t much study involving pregnant women and hot tubs, however, there is enough information to assume it’s unsafe for an unborn baby. 

Risk of Infections 

Another risk that could potentially be caused from taking a hot bath to induce labor is contracting an infection. Any infection that enters you could bring harm to you or your baby so it’s always best to take precautions. 

When taking a hot bath, be sure to limit the amount of time you spend. It’s best not to exceed 15 to 20 minutes of bath time while pregnant, especially when close to labor. 

You should also try to avoid any bath products that contain harsh chemicals or ingredients such as oils, bath bombs, bubble bath soaps. These products can easily irritate sensitive areas and cause infections. 

However, there are plenty of gentle bath products that can be used if you’d really like to add them to your bath. Just always be sure to ask your physician if you’re unsure about anything. 

Another thing to mention is you should never take a bath after your water breaks. This is because once your water breaks, there’s a chance bacteria can enter and make its way up into your uterus causing infection to you and your baby. 

Bath water is full of germs and bacteria that comes off your skin, so if you really need to wash yourself after your water breaks, a shower is much more safe. Just be sure not to use soap or body wash if doing so.

Other Natural Ways to Induce Labor 

Taking a hot bath isn’t the only way to induce labor. There are plenty of other methods that you can try to get that baby ready to come out. 


Having sex while you’re pregnant is always a challenge because of the huge baby bump in the way, but there are always different positions to try. Of course, it’s really no fun in your last trimester when you’re so close to, or past, your due date. 

But, this is one way to get things on the road. See, a man’s semen contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are known to help ripen the cervix and make it soft so it can be broken easier. 

Another thing, when you orgasm and your body pulses, this makes your uterus contract. So, this could actually make you start contracting and help to induce labor. Just make sure not to have sex after your water breaks, as this can cause infection. 

Acupuncture and Acupressure

Women never think to go to a chiropractor while pregnant, but it can actually be really good for you. A chiropractor can help align your spine which can allow your baby to move easier. 

What’s more, getting acupuncture or acupressure sessions while pregnant can relieve pain and help you feel less stressed. This is great for the health of you and your unborn child. 

Move Around

I know what you’re thinking… How can I move around when I’m about ready to pop?! It’s not always the easiest thing to do, but it’s the best way to induce labor. 

Any exercise will work, just as long as you’re moving your body. Just walking around for a part of your day will help get that baby out. It’s also great for your body to stay active while pregnant. 

Spicy Foods

I have never tried it, but lots of people swear that eating spicy food can induce labor. There isn’t really much evidence to support this, but it won’t hurt to try it out. The only thing you may need to worry about is heartburn. We all know how bad heartburn is during pregnancy!

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Another thing that people swear by is drinking red raspberry leaf tea. I, personally have never tried it, but I do love anything with red raspberry, so I’d definitely give it a taste. 

What’s great about this method is that all you need to do is sip on a cup of tea. And, herbal teas are so beneficial to you during pregnancy. There are a few teas you should avoid, but overall, most of them are great for your body and health, so give it a try. 

Nipple Stimulation

Nipple stimulation is a method used to start your contractions. If you’ve ever breastfed, then you know the feeling of your uterus contracting when your milk lets down. Well, this is exactly the same thing that nipple stimulation does. 

When using this method, always stimulate nipples before contractions begin. Also, make sure to only stimulate one nipple at a time, and if contractions become more intense and closer together, take a break. 

Once your contractions become 3 minutes apart or last for a full minute without stopping, end the nipple stimulation. And, if you have any questions or concerns about this method of inducing labor, always consult your doctor beforehand. 

Have a Massage

Ahh, a massage during pregnancy is seriously all you need. Not only are they great for relaxation, getting a massage can help to induce labor as well. There are actually massage therapists who know how to give a massage that can help you go into labor

I have heard that it’s not the best massage, as it can be a bit painful, but if it gets you into labor, there’s no other point of it. If you think it’s something you’d be interested in doing, read more about it, and talk to a doctor to see if it can help you.

Strip Your Membranes

This procedure isn’t for everyone, but if you’re all out of options and it’s way past your due date, this might be best for you. 

Getting your membranes stripped is done by your doctor when you’re past due or have to be induced for other medical reasons. Your doctor won’t always be willing to do this unless necessary, so keep that in mind. 

For this procedure, you’ll need to have made some progress in dilation and effacement. If everything feels as it should, your doctor will slide their fingers around the amniotic sac and uterus to separate it from the uterine wall. 

This procedure tells your body that it’s ready for labor, however, there are some side effects, such as light bleeding. If the bleeding is abnormal in any way, be sure to contact your physician right away.

Final Take on Taking a Hot Bath to Induce Labor

Before you try any other ways, taking a hot bath to induce labor might be effective. And, if it doesn’t help, you’ve at least had a nice relaxing bath to de-stress in. 

So long as you take heed of any risks of infections, and stay clear of the water temperature, you should be fine to take a nice soothing warm bath. And, hopefully, it can help you induce labor. 

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