Every parent is anxious when it comes to bathing a newborn baby. They seem to be so fragile and tiny, and there is always the task of making sure that the baby’s head is supported. Once you get your baby in the water, you realize that they are about as slippery as an eel. How are you supposed to get this fragile, slippery thing out of the tub safely?

RELATED: Puj Baby Bath Insert

The Puj Hug is a New Take on the Hooded Towel

The Puj Hug is a super soft towel that you and your baby will love. The towel has two soft interlocking silicone tabs that you use to fasten the towel around your neck. As shown in the video, the bulk of the towel hangs in the front, helping to keep the parent dry. When it is time to remove the baby from the water, both hands are free – one for cradling their head and one to support their body.

When bathing a newborn, you don’t want to be fiddling with a towel for drying them off. You want to swaddle them in warmth as quickly as possible, and the Puj Hug makes it easy. You simply lift the baby out of the water and hold them to your chest as you normally would, then bring the hooded part of the towel around over their head and wrap them up safe and warm.

NEXT: Pre Bath Baby Care Game

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